Post cover: big letters saying NOM. NOM.

Chill Subs Menu of Pushcart Nom Noms (30 lit mags that nominate)

Hungry for some nom noms? Maybe you’ve woken up in the middle of the night with some tummy grumblies and decided that a little bit of Pushcart would hit the spot. So you wander over to the newly opened Chill Subs to see what they’ve got cookin’.

Welcome! Soon, we will be adding nominations to all literary magazines listings in our database. For now, we’ve put together this little tasting menu of literary magazines who nominate for Pushcart Prizes (and many also nominate for Best of the Net, Wigleaf, and more).

* Are you a journal that nominates not on this list? Email us and we’ll add you.

Enjoy your nom noms:

1) The Adroit Journal

Logo of The Adroit Journal literary magazine

The Adroit Journal

We’re looking for work that’s bizarre, authentic, subtle, outrageous, indefinable, raw, paradoxical. We’ve got our eyes ...

96 days

Payment: Yes

Followers: 22k+

2) Afternoon Visitor

3) Archetype: A Literary Journal

4) Baltimore Review

5) Bellevue Literary Review (*note: submission fee: $5)

6) Bending Genres

7) Better Than Starbucks

8) Blank Spaces

9) Blink-Ink

10) Booth (*submission fee: $3)

Logo of Booth literary magazine


Lovely as a goose on a roof. Lit mag with print issues twice annually and a new issue online the first Friday of the mon...

81 days

Payment: Yes

Followers: 7k+


12) Chaotic Merge

13) Chestnut Review (*note: submission fee for longer pieces (1k-5k words) or extra poems (4-6 per packet): $5)

14) Cobra Milk

15) fifth wheel press

Logo of fifth wheel press literary magazine

fifth wheel press

An independent community-focused publisher of art and writing by queer, trans, and gender non-conforming creatives.

Theme: dreamland
Responds: 4-6 weeks

Payment: Yes

Followers: 4k+

16) Hippocampus Magazine

17) Identity Theory

18) Last Leaves Magazine

Logo of Last Leaves Magazine literary magazine

Last Leaves Magazine

We believe that poetry is rooted in community. We know that sharing your work can be difficult, so we aim to provide a s...

Theme: FEAST
Responds: 2 months

Payment: No

Followers: 100+

19) The Lumiere Review (*note: accept work previously posted on personal blogs/social media)

20) Moon Park Review

21) Okay Donkey

22) Papeachu Press

Logo of Papeachu Press literary magazine

Papeachu Press

A feminist small press publishing the works of women & nonbinary creators. We publish the works we believe in & believe ...

Theme: Atmosphere
Responds: 6 months

Payment: No

Followers: 700+

23) River Mouth Review

24) Sans. PRESS

Logo of Sans. PRESS literary magazine


Send us stories that are fresh & weird

Theme: AnotherNameforDark
Responds: 8 weeks

Payment: Yes

Followers: 800+

25) Sky Island Journal (*note: submission fee: $4.99)

26) Split Lip Magazine

27) Stanchion

Logo of Stanchion literary magazine


This humble literary zine also stands ready to shine a light onto deft skill, a soft touch, and if lucky, a thunderbolt ...

32 days

Payment: Yes

Followers: 6k+


29) A Thin Slice of Anxiety (*note: accept previously published work)

30) trampset